Monday, July 23, 2012


Our good friends JoEllen and Jeremy took us clamming a few weekends ago.  We headed out to Willapa Bay early in the morning and slogged around in the exposed bay floor.  It took some time to figure out the best technique to find the clams, but once we did, we all caught our limit.  We went home, steamed our clams in butter, white wine, and garlic and ate until we couldn't eat any more.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Urban Gardens - Making it Work

In a Brooklyn apartment, there are people making it work.  Their tiny garden contains hundreds of plants.  Click here for the NYTimes article.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our new car...

A couple of weekends ago, we traded in our old car for a brand new 2012 Subaru Forester.  It strikes a balance between functionality and adventure.  We love all the features that make it ideal for any outdoor excursion and the luxuries that make city driving enjoyable.  It's our perfect car.